These are the cutest little Pot O' Gold's you will ever see!! They are easy/cute and don't cost but a few dollars!! :) Enjoy!
{Pot O' Gold}
Item's Needed:
2-Terra Cotta Pots (69-89cents @ Micheals)
Black Paint
Paint Brush
Gold (chocolate coins or Rolos)
Green Ribbon (optional)
Step 1: Take your two pots with your black paint, paintbrush, & a paper plate.

Step 2: Paint at least 2 even 3 coats of black paint on both pots

Step 3: After they are completely dry, put in your {gold}

Step 4: Set them somewhere in your home! :)

{pot o' gold}
So I found the pots at Family Dollar - 3 pots for $1!