Easter is just a HOP, SKIP & A JUMP away from being here. As you already know I {love} wood crafts...blocks, boards anything! So I had some extra blocks in my block box and decided to do an Easter {hop} set! So me and my momma spent the afternoon makin these beauties! They turned out so cute! I love them!! So here is how I did them:
Items Needed:
3- 2x4x4 blocks
Easter-ish scrapbooking paper
Letters H, O, & P
Tan Paint
Distressing Ink (in my case a stamp pad)
Embellishments (ribbon, flowers, & buttons)
Mod podge
Paint brush
Sanding block

Step 1: Take and paint your 3 blocks of wood with your tan paint

Step 2: After your blocks have dried really well...sand them down to give them the weathered look :)

Step 3: Measure and cut your Easter-ish paper into squares. I leave about a 1/2 in. border of wood around the paper. Distress your paper with your ink or stamp pad :)

Distress your blocks if you want to

Step 4: Mod podge your paper to the blocks. Don't do a super thick layer, it bubbles easily that way. Just do a thin layer on the block and lay your paper on...then press out all the air and make sure it is smooth :)

Step 5: Put your Letter H, O, & P on your blocks.

Step 6: Paint Mod Podge on the fronts of your blocks to secure it all.

Step 7: My FAVORITE step :) Embellish away. Buttons, ribbon, and flowers...whatever you want.

Step 8: Let them dry really well.

Set them on a shelf or stand and ENJOY. Aren't they super cute??!?!

freakin LOVE these blocks...I dont know how you keep doing it...I love this kind of stuff. Thanks for all the tutorials...you are so CRAFTY!