Thursday, June 17, 2010

Dad's Day...

Father's Day is right around the corner and what better way to celebrate it then with a little homemade gift or two! This was made for my oldest's "other dad"(stepdad) :) I thought it was easy and lots of fun to give to the dad or dad's in our life!! Here is how I did it! :)
6 Bottles:
Item's Needed:
1- 6pkg of IBC cream soda, or Orange Cream Henry Weinharts
3-4- sheets of scrapbooking paper that coordinate
6- printed off smiley faces/6 little says ex. "I love you" "your the best" 1- Happy Father's
Day! (All done on Microsoft and printed on cardstock)
6- different kinds of candy or snacks (preferrably small to fit in and out of the bottle)
*I used Cherry Nibs, Trail mix, Sour patch kids, Gummy worms, Boston Baked Beans, & Swedish Fish
Step 1: Drink the soda out of the bottles I recruited my hubby to do this for me!! :) Or you can pour them out whatever you chose to do!! Then wash out all 6 really well, peel off the stickers and make sure they dry completely!
Step 2: Take your 3 coordinating scrapbook papers...and also your scissors
Step 3: Cover all 6 bottles around the middle where the wrapper originally was
Cover the box also...
and the tops of the bottles like so!!
Step 4: Fill all 6 bottles with a different candy or snack
Step 5: make sure it all fits well into your box! :)
Step 7: Take your 6 printed sayings and glue them on to the scrapbook paper in the middle of the bottle.
Step 8: Also glue on the "Happy Father's Day!" & the 6 smiley faces like so:

Step 9: Make a little card to go with it and there you have it!! :)

Another Quick Father's Day Idea:
Items Needed:
Assortment of made up coupons (I made all of them on Microsoft)
ex. Help mow the lawn, dishes, wash the car...
Hole Punch
Coloring Crayons
Your kiddos
1- ring to connect them all
Step 1: Start by cutting out all of the coupons making them all about the same size

Step 2: Have your kiddos color the pictures on them!!
Step 3: Punch holes in the top left corner of the coupon
Step 4: Connect them with the ring.
Your all done!! Super cute! :)
{daddy's day}

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Flower Bow...

These are my favorite bows out of any of the kinds of bows I have made...they are easy and soo cute and you can combine so many different ribbons!! Here is how you do it!

Item's Needed:
For this bow:
4 different colors or patterened ribbon
1- large button
Hot glue gun
Step 1: Take your ribbons...Cut the one you want on the bottom longest, then get a little shorter until you get to the fourth one. You will need 3 of the two longest, then 2 of the 3rd shortest and 1 of the shortest if that makes sense!!! :) Pictured below:
Step 2: Take one of the pieces of the longest ribbon. Fold in one end to the middle and glue, do the same with the other end. It will look like this:
Step 3: Do that to all 3 pieces and then glue them together like so:
Step 4: Take your next layer of ribbons (3 of them) and glue them the same way.
Step 5: Glue them together like so:
Step 6: Glue your layers together
Step 7: Do the same with your third layer (2 pieces)(black in this photo) and then make a figure eight with the top piece and glue all the layers together.
Step 8: Glue a large button that matches to the top. I made a set! Also glue an alligator clip to the back of your cute bow and ENJOY!!:)
Step 9: Get busy cutting ribbon and make a bunch! Here is what I did in one sitting! They are so fun :) One piece of advice that helped me to get down faster was to cut all the ribbon first and then sit and glue them!! :)
{Flower Bow}

Monday, June 7, 2010

Framed Flower...

Hey all! has been a busy and ongoing month! But I am back and I have alot of ideas up my sleeve that I am ready to get out there and to share!! Here is a cute/simple framed flower that I did for my lil ones room that is all pink and black! It turned out super cute!! Here's how you do it:
{Framed Flower}
1- black frame (4x6) 3 dollars at walmart
1 piece of scrapbook paper approx. 4x6 in size
1- flower (gerbera daisy) pink of course :)
Glue gun
Step 1: Take your frame and your piece of scrapbooking paper and put the paper infront of the glass like so: Step 2: Next take your flower off the stem and so it is in layers...Using your glue gun take each layer and glue in to the paper...then glue the center on.
Step 3: Take your buttons and glue them on the frame
Step 4: Stand it up and enjoy! Super cute for your lil ones room! :)
{Framed Flower}