I'm so excited to start all of this...now this is no "professional" crafters blog of any sorts. The main reason I started this was to keep note of some of the crafts I do...and to share the ideas with you! So for the first craft post!!
First off...I LOVE Mod Podge! I like either Gloss or Matte but usually use the Matte. But in this project I used Gloss. So anyway for this project you will need:
Small-Medium Wood Box with Latch- (found at Micheals or any craft store)
Red Paint/ or Color that coincides with your paper
1 sheet of scrapbooking paper
Paint Brush
Embellishments (Ribbon/buttons/flowers)
Mod Podge

Step 1: Paint the entire wooden box with color of choice/ mine was red. You may chose to remove the latch. I did on mine...I'm not a fan of Gold!
Let it dry good for 20-30 mins

Step 2: Measure Scrapbooking paper on all sides of the box/cut/and Mod Podge it to the Box.

Step 3: Here it is with all the paper mod podged...I left a small red "edge" around it to bring out the red in the paper. Let this dry really well.

Step 4: Embellish your box with ribbon, flowers, and buttons. I did 3 strips of coinciding ribbon on top and then did coinciding flowers on top of the ribbon.

I also added Ribbon and buttons to the Front of the box. I cut "Recipe" with my cricut and put it on the front. You can use any type of letters you want and mod podge them on or hot glue whichever is easiest!

Let everything dry over night and you will have your super cute Recipe File ready for you in the morning!!! Love it!

If you have any other questions feel free to comment and ask!! Also if you are interested in purchasing them. You can contact me and I will give you price information!! They are super fun to make!! ENJOY :)